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Benefits of machine translation in web developement

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Let's talk about something we all deal with - creating websites in multiple languages. Localization can be a pain in the ... But guess what? Machine trasnlation is changing things for the better, helping tackle many of the daily challenges we face when localizing websites. So what machine translation offers for web developers?

1. Getting things done faster

One of the best things about machine translation in web development? It seriously speeds up the process of launching multilingual websites.

Remember the old days of translating everything by hand? It took forever and often meant delays in releasing new features or updates across different language versions. But machine translation? It's super quick. It can handle large amounts of text way faster than we humans can.

By using machine translation, we can quickly create draft versions of our websites in multiple languages. This means we can iterate faster and get our sites out there sooner. In today's fast-moving digital world, being quick to market can make a big difference in getting users and staying ahead of the competition.

2. Fewer mistakes to worry about

Another great thing about machine translation is that it helps cut down on those pesky errors that often pop up when we're translating manually.

We've all been there - copying and pasting strings from one language file to another, only to realize later that we made a typo or forgot to translate a whole section. These mistakes can make our websites confusing for users or make them look unprofessional.

Machine translation takes care of this problem by automating the process. You input the original text, and it generates the translation systematically. This means all the content gets translated, and there's less chance of those annoying human errors creeping in.

3. Keeping things consistent & easier to update

We all know that in web development, things are always changing. We're constantly adding new features, updating content, and tweaking the user interface.

Machine translation makes it easier to keep all the language versions of our website up to date. When we make changes to the content in the original language, machine translation can quickly create updated translations for all the other languages. This means all our users, no matter what language they speak, can always access the latest information and features.

  1. Folder transaltion to make the whole process smoother

Here's something really cool about DevTranslate - from now on it can handle entire folders of language files at once, not just individual files.

In the past, we had to translate one file at a time. It was tedious and made it hard to keep everything consistent. It was easy to lose context when jumping between different parts of the website.

With new folder translation feature you can now translate whole folders of locale files in one go. This means all the related content gets translated together, keeping the context intact and improving the overall quality of the translation. It also makes managing translation projects easier because we're working with bigger chunks of content instead of lots of small files.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it! Machine translation offers a bunch of benefits for us web developers. It helps us deliver faster, make fewer mistakes, streamline our localization process, keep things consistent, and make updates easier.

Sure, machine translation isn't perfect. For really specific or nuanced content, we might still need a human to check things over. But for handling large amounts of text quickly and consistently, it's a fantastic.

As machine translation keeps getting better, it's going to play an even bigger role in helping us create great multilingual websites. It's all about connecting people across language barriers, and making our job as developers a bit easier along the way.

What are the differences between translation and localization?

While both terms are similar, localization goes beyond just translating and ensures your product feels local and caters to the users in a particular region.

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DevTranslate team
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